
!   bug fixed
!!!   BIG bug fixed
4  improvement/modification
8   BIG improvement/new feature

Version 2.07 (March 30, 2000)
8Intermediate files (.lzw) are stored in Windows temp directory. So, you can keep your documents directly on diskettes.
4Folders have a nicer style
4Active folder has bold font
4Security Settings dialog can be moved by using mouse
4New design for Options | Date Font
4Several new icons on Formatting Toolbar

! New branch inserted by using pop-up menu can be renamed immediately
! Clock removed from Statistics dialog
!!! Under Win2000&NT tray menu doesn't crash program
!!! Under Win2000&NT program can be restored from tray menu -> Restore Program Window
!!! Under Win2000&NT program doesn't go directly to tray after it has been executed
!!! Under Win2000&NT tray menu has text
!!! Under Win2000&NT icons for minidocuments are transparent
!!! Under Win2000&NT icons  are transparent in the Icon Selecter dialog
!!! Under Win2000&NT icons are transparent in the New File | Template Dialog
!!! Under Win2000&NT toolbar icons are transparent
!!! Under Win2000&NT About Dialog works

Version 2.06 (March 15, 2000)
8Powerful HTMLHelp
8New registration scheme
8Added ability to copy/paste tree's branches
4Program can be restored from tray being double-clicking the tray icon
Added keyboard shortcuts: F12 - hard protect document and go to tray, F11 - soft protect document and go to tray
4Added menu item: Actions | Minimize. Escape key forces program to minimize to tray

!Calculator can be executed from toolbar or menu
!The password of the last edited document is not remembered after document has been closed

Version 2.05 (Feb 25, 2000)
8HTMLHelp instead of previous WinHelp
8Very powerful Shred algorithm (from GUIDESX Encryptor 2000)
8All intermediate files are shredded by new algorithm
4Menu items are enhanced
4Register now! menu item is removed in registered version
4New enhanced icons in program menu
4Name of registered user is drawn on program window's title bar

Riddle for document is remembered always

Version 2.04 (Feb 12, 2000)
8Improved encryption algorithm

The document with only one tree folder is loaded correcly now

Version 2.03 (Feb 3, 2000)
8Global find. So, you can press Ctrl-F to find sub-string in memoirs' document. Press F3 to continue search
8Added Brazilian Portuguese language. Thanks to Carlos Duenas
8Added option: "Save program window's position and size"
8All toolbar positions are saved and restored automatically every time the program exits or starts
8Tray's icon signalizes document's status: Opened, Soft-protected, Hard-Protected
8All RTF symbols like \'ff are replaced by single characters. This reduces document's size up to 30-40% for non-english languages. For example: Russian
8Added option "Compress document by built-in packer or not"
8Tray's icon is automatically restored every time when Explorer crashes
8Added progress bar for loading document
8Added progress bar for saving document
4Added option: "Show splash screen or not"
4Tray menu has been changed
4Added option: "Show background image for menu or not"
4Added option: "Use large buttons for toolbars or not"
4Added check-boxes to Menu | View. Now it is possible to hide or show any toolbar
4Changed default program layout
4Added hot-keys: Alt-DownKey and Alt-UpKey. Swithes to previous of next folder
4After program's installation, Program Group is opened

! Folders panel's width is saved and restores correctly every time
! When user right-clicks on any folder and selects "Rename" or "Remove", this folder is renamed or removed, not the current folder
! Password dialog. Exit button works fine
! All non-empty tree leaves are bold-faced now.
! Standard toolbar view corrected. For 16-bit color images.
! Reload button is never blocked now
! Ctrl-R key - for reloading document
! Pop-Up hints are displayed without "garbage"
! After uninstalling, all of the program's associations are removed from system

Version 2.02 (Dec 31, 1999)

On Alt-F4 program goes to Tray correctly

Version 2.01 (Dec 11, 1999)

Allow moving tree leaves by with the help of special green arrows on tree toolbar: up, down, left, right
Program goes to tray after pressing Alt-F4. For exiting use File | Exit
Dutch language added
German language added
New splash-screen with Santa-Claus
New tray icon
! Different icons are selected for the same tree levels
! Folder had been changed when document saved
! Pop-up hints represents as vertical lines
! Error message, after user has been selected menu item - Change register

Version 2.00 (Dec 10, 1999)

!   UnCleaning editor window after adding tree's leaf
!!!   Loss of some tree leaves
!   Toolbars are painted incorrectly with some Windows schemes
!   Menu item "Left Bar" renamed to "Folders"
!   Menu item "Document" renamed to "File"
!   Sometimes the title of messageboxes has "garbage"
   Back/forward buttons like MSIE
   Bold tree leaves that are not empty
   New advanced language system that allows new languages to be added very easily
   Russian language added
   French language added

Version 2.00 Beta 3 Build 4100 (Aug 11, 1999)

!   More useful tray menu
   New About dialog box
!   When toolbar button is clicked the background hides
   Completed interactive help system. Now it is possible to press F1 to access help anywhere
!   When register of selected text is changed, the first letter is cut off
!   Size of main module (kernel.dll) has been reduced by 700kb
   Program's icon is transparent now
   More 3D interface
   New icon selector (of tree's leaf)
!   Changed icon selecter dialog (before changing icon of mini-document)
!   When new mini-document has been created, it isn't seen elsewhere
!   Program restores from the tray menu to the full screen
   New Shredder Officer tool + HELP. Utility for destroying/wiping files.
   Nice clocks in Statistics dialog
   Pop-up hints in Security Settings Dialog
   Pop-up hints in Password dialog
   New Security Officer tool. Utility for encrypting your personal files
   Nice typewriter sounds
   Anti SHOWPASS feature in Password dialog
   Ability to easily insert pictures to the document
   Security officer has new interface similar to the Macintosh
   New title for document
   25 new icons available for inserting
   Program saves width of folders bar everytime
   Ability to change icons of mini-documents

Version 2.00 Beta 2 Build 3600 (Jul 15, 1999)

!   Linked all Menu | Configure items and buttons in Options dialog with their functions
!   Several buttons in Password dialog didn't work
!   Some of Secure Notes Organizer's files with several spaces aren't loaded from MS Explorer
!   UnCleaning text in editor after adding tree's leaf
   Better designed "Inserting new mini-document" dialog
   Cursor is present when you rename
!   Ability to select icon in dialog box
!   "Cancel" button doesn't work in "document not found" dialog

Version 2.00 Beta 1 Build 3000 (May 7, 1999)

*** New program, version 1.00, 1.1 are very different programs